(This is a bilingual newsletter in English and Chinese. Please scroll down for the English version.)





電子報的英文名是「Landscape of Transcreation」,直譯是「創譯的風景」。或許大家對創譯(transcreation)一詞感到陌生,也或許認為這只是翻譯(translation)一種比較酷炫的說法。我覺得「創譯」其實傳達了翻譯工作的本質,因此選擇以此為刊名,未來會和大家多聊一聊我心中的創譯和翻譯。



  • 語言、語言學、翻譯分析

  • 好書好文分享

  • 各界譯者專訪

  • 翻譯產業及本地化產業的動態和挑戰





訂閱完全免費,邀請你訂閱電子報,加入這個社群!訂閱之後電子報會直接寄到你的信箱,好讀好看,也歡迎分享。電子報是雙週刊,預計從 2022 年 2 月開始刊行。


電子報有中文版和英文版,目前的規畫是雙週刊、中英文同日刊行,如果你只希望收到中文版或英文版,請到「My Account」(我的帳號)變更設定。電子報使用的 Substack 平台是英文平台,如果使用上有任何疑問或不順手的地方,歡迎寫信到 transcreation@substack.com。


Landscape of Transcreation, a publication on writing and translation

Welcome to the Landscape of Transcreation, where we talk about languages, the beauty of them, and the toil of working on them. Together, we will build a community for all those who share a passion for the world of languages, literatures and arts.

I am 林紋沛 / Wenpei Lin, who studied Western languages and literatures in college, shifted my interests to Taiwanese history for graduate studies, and now work as a full-time translator based in Taipei. My recent translations (from English to Chinese) are a mix of autobiographies and academic monographs, including On Friendship by Alexander Nehamas, From Mountain to Mountain by Fr. Barry Martinson, Home is Not Here by Gungwu Wang, Asymmetrical Neighbors by Enze Han, and Pirates and Publishers by Fei-Hsien Wang.

Fascinated by transcreation, I start this newsletter to explore the possibilities of languages and to share my thoughts on writing, on translation, and on the literary world in general.

Transcreation seems to be a fancy word for translation, but I would say that it captures the essence of every translator’s effort, which I hope to talk in more depths in future installments.

Focus of the Newsletter

The newsletter will focus on issues related to transcreation, mainly including the following:

  • Ideas on languages, linguistics and translation

  • Good reads for translators and writers

  • Interviews of translators of different fields

  • Trends and challenges in the translation and localization industry

There will also be occasional posts on hiking, birding, and life in Taiwan, in which we focus more on living and writing, while working and translating are quietly pondered.

Through this writing project, we will learn more about the translation industry, the work of translators, and the process of writing and translating, and aspiring translators may have a clearer picture of what the translators’ world is like.

Most important of all, we hope to create a community for translators, writers, editors, readers, and all those who share a passion for the world of languages, literatures and arts. Together, we will build a community where we support each other’s work and share our thoughts and insights freely.

Invitation to Join this Community

The subscription is completely free! The posts will be open to all. Please subscribe for future installments, which I plan to publish regularly starting from February 2022.

Paid subscriptions are dearly welcomed. The subscription fees will go to compensate our interviewees. With a paid subscription, you will be able to read the complete version of the interview, and you will be invited to the monthly reading club.

Your support will help building this community and making this writing project sustainable.

This is a bilingual newsletter in English and Traditional Chinese. We publish biweekly, with the English post and the Chinese one published on the same day. If you would like to receive only the English or the Chinese version, please go to “My Account” to change the settings. If there is any question, please do not hesitate to write to us at transcreation@substack.com.

Thanks for your reading. We invite you to subscribe and join the community of transcreators!

Subscribe to Landscape of Transcreation

Ideas on Languages and Translation, published by Wenpei Lin, a Taipei-based Translator, who also has a passion for birding. 翻譯鳥事一籮筐,中英雙語電子報,談翻譯、寫作、文學、生活,偶爾出發去賞鳥!


大學念外文,研究所讀歷史,現為專職譯者。著有《行旅致知》、《日記裡的台灣史》(合著)。譯有《從彼山到此山》、《家園何處是》等。 I studied Western literatures in college, shifted my interests to Taiwanese history for graduate studies, and now work as a translator, with an everlasting curiosity for transcreation.