Some happy news last week: my translation of Pirates and Publishers (版權誰有? 翻印必究?) won the 2022 Openbook Good Book Award (translation book genre)! It is an honor to be its translator. Here is a brief introduction to the book; get an English and/or Chinese copy as a Christmas gift!
This post and some following ones will be talking about birding. Winter is a good season for birding. At the end of the year, in addition to the synchronized bird census of Tamsui River, there is another great event: Tianliaoyang New Year Birding Carnival. Let’s go birding together!
Regarding our reading club, the next meeting will be held at 10:00 am (Taipei Time) on January 8 for Taiwan Literature English Translation Series, Number 24: The Mythology and Oral Literature of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples. We will meet online this time. If you are interested, feel free to leave a comment, reply to this e-mail message or write to me at to register by December 30.
《翻譯鳥事一籮筐》是中英文雙語電子報。如果只想收到中文版,請到網站右上角的「My Account」內進行操作。有任何問題都歡迎來信聯絡,請直接回覆這封 E-mail 或寫信到。再次感謝你的訂閱支持!
I spent a few days in Yilan last week, which was probably the last small vacation of this year. The end of 2022 is already drawing near. I have been busy this year, as always, and I hope I’ll grant myself more leisure time next year.
I enjoyed looking for birds quietly in the middle of the paddy fields in Yilan. It was a comforting scene to see the birds busy looking for food with their beaks buried in the mud. Though I was still not very good at finding ideal birding spots (for details please see my eBird trip report), I managed to see more birds than last year in Yilan, and the equipment has also been upgraded. Carrying binoculars, a telescope, a tripod and a camera, I must have looked like a weird person to others; to my surprise, the equipment was not as heavy as I expected after I got used to it. And the hot springs in Yilan were just as inviting as its birds, so the two things combined just made an ideal trip, allowing one to relax physically and mentally.
Here are some photos from this trip. I hope the cute birds could relieve everyone’s stress to survive the busiest time at end of the year.